Depression: How Do We Know?

Am I just having an off week? Why do things seem overwhelming right now? When was the last time I had a good laugh? Why is everything so hard? When was my last good day? Am I sleeping enough… or too much? These are questions we may all have felt from time to time – …

How Educators Support Mental Health in Classrooms

50% of all mental disorders surface by the time children are 14 years of age. 75% surface by the age of 25 (Victoria State Government, 2022). What do these two statistics have in common? These are the years young people are in formal education. Thus, mental disorders are often presenting for the first time when …

Thank you, Teachers! -Dawn Institute

180 days. Teachers have our children 180 days of the year. That’s 180 mornings when some kids just do not want to wake up. That’s 180 afternoons of teachers rushing kids out the door with all — or at least most — of their belongings. It’s 180 days of standing in the sun, rain, dust, …

Parenting Your Teen Through Mental Health Struggles

Raising my four girls has been the hardest, yet most rewarding job. Although I do not view it as a job, but my biggest priority. Somehow (and without a guidebook) parents must take these tiny human beings and mold them into productive members of society. Gulp, that’s a big responsibility to swallow. We also need …