Grateful for the Hard Things

One of my favorite things to do as an adoptive parent is talk about those taboo topics that we aren’t “allowed” to discuss with the general public, because… well, a lot of people just don’t get it.  How the systems are taxing and the people are exhausting.  Those are the conversation most people understand.  But …

Mental Health Support for the Holidays: How can I manage stress?

Is the holiday season hard for you instead of joyous? For many survivors of trauma, holidays may represent anniversaries and reminders of the past hurt or traumatic experiences. For those individuals even the slight prospect of visiting family or friends can bring up feelings of shame, fear, dread or ambivalence, leaving them trapped and unable …

Mental Health Support for the Holidays: Is it ok to isolate? What if I don’t want to see my family?

Is the holiday season hard for you instead of joyous? For many survivors of trauma, holidays may represent anniversaries and reminders of the past hurt or traumatic experiences. For those individuals even the slight prospect of visiting family or friends can bring up feelings of shame, fear, dread or ambivalence, leaving them trapped and unable …

Mental Health Support for the Holidays: How do I take care of myself during the holidays?

Is the holiday season hard for you instead of joyous? For many survivors of trauma, holidays may represent anniversaries and reminders of the past hurt or traumatic experiences. For those individuals even the slight prospect of visiting family or friends can bring up feelings of shame, fear, dread or ambivalence, leaving them trapped and unable …

Mental Health Support for the Holidays: Why do I feel so sad? Angry? Anxious?

Is the holiday season hard for you instead of joyous? For many survivors of trauma, holidays may represent anniversaries and reminders of the past hurt or traumatic experiences. For those individuals even the slight prospect of visiting family or friends can bring up feelings of shame, fear, dread or ambivalence, leaving them trapped and unable …

Adoption: Why Traditional Parenting Doesn’t Work

When my (adopted) son was about four years old, he brought me a picture he had drawn of himself, my husband, and me.  You know those super, sweet pictures kids draw of people that are really just a circle with limbs sticking out?  That’s the kind.  This memory stands out because it was pivotal moment …

Depression…it’s kind of normal!

Society has this negative view of depression…that it’s bad, it’s something we need to run from, or we shouldn’t confront it because it could make things worse, or we may be scared of it.  But in actuality, depression is pretty normal!  So many people experience symptoms of depression, that doesn’t mean they are depressed.  It …

Dear Evan Hansen: Asking For Help

“Dear Evan Hansen” premiered Friday, the movie version of one of Broadway’s biggest hits in recent memory. This movie has a powerful and fundamental honesty that resonates with teens (and really anyone) suffering from things like anxiety and depression. Personally, I related to this movie on many levels. As a teen, I definitely experienced my …

The Buffalo Story

BUFFALO CHARGE THE STORM STORY BY RORY VADEN All of us have storms.  The only choice that we have is how we respond to those storms.  And more specifically is when we respond to those storms. Let me map out this story for you so you can visualize it. In Colorado, where I grew up, we are world-famous for …