Understanding Trauma: Part Two

Understanding Trauma is a three part series that builds off each training. Trauma can be challenging to define.  The trainer will explore the various ways trauma has been attempted to be defined.  Trainees will then be provided a concise way to understand trauma.  Trainees will also gain an understanding of the self-protective responses that develop …

Survivors of Suicide Loss

November 19th was International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day this year. Being a loved one for someone who has completed suicide is unimaginably hard. It is such a complex grief. So how do we move on with our lives so we don’t stay stuck? How do we continue to hold love for our child, parent, …

Interrupting Our Pain Cycle

Have you ever looked back on arguments and wondered why you react a certain way when dealing with conflict? Perhaps those closest to you have told you that that you’re controlling, you withdraw, or you explode and blame others when a conflict occurs. Maybe you’ve even lost relationships because of these patterns. Do you ever …

Post-Traumatic Growth

We all want to recover from the trauma and hardship we’ve experienced in life, and there are many theories on how to do that. While we’d all like to grow in the wake of our harmful experiences, it can be hard to find “resilience” in the aftermath. As it turns out, resilience and post-traumatic growth …

Teen Therapy Group

Becoming Me Teen Therapy Group is a six-week program for teens who are sophomores, juniors, or seniors in high school. This therapy group is designed to help your teen build and exercise healthy coping skills in a safe, supportive environment. Becoming Me is interactive, experiential, and educational. It will help teens with: the challenges of …

Trauma Defined

Trauma. Not many conversations go by these days without mention of this buzz word. I have heard trauma defined in many different ways. Is it certain types of events? If so, why do some people walk away with post-traumatic symptoms and other do not? Can we put it into categories along a continuum? If so, …

Group Therapy for Parents

Breaking the Cycle is a 12-session group therapy for parents wanting to strengthen skills to recognize the social, emotional, and psychological needs of their children while teaching them healthy ways to meet those needs. Parents will learn how early childhood experiences influence their child’s later adjustment to life. Parents in group therapy will process through …

Attachment Trauma

If you struggle with relationships, you are not alone. There are some dominant cultural narratives that assumes there is something wrong with us, but science and research offers us a more expansive view. Our relationship challenges may be rooted in what is known as “attachment trauma”. Attachment Theory We need to first understand attachment to …

Parenting A Child With Trauma

            As a parent it can be really difficult figuring out how to help your child or teen who has experienced some type of trauma.  We can’t take their pain away.  Or make them forget their pain.  We can’t ignore that it happened.  So how do we help them?  What do we do to make …