Month: October 2021

The Mask We Wear

Have you ever thought about the masks we wear to gain acceptance or use to hide because of the constant thought of how you might look to others in the workplace, grocery store, or school?  With Halloween around the corner, I thought this the perfect time to talk about the mask that we all wear in everyday life.  When are we truly ourselves or are we always wearing some type of mask?  Would anyone recognize us without our mask?  How can we trust when we are always wearing a mask? I think it is normal to wear a mask to

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Depression…it’s kind of normal!

Society has this negative view of depression…that it’s bad, it’s something we need to run from, or we shouldn’t confront it because it could make things worse, or we may be scared of it.  But in actuality, depression is pretty normal!  So many people experience symptoms of depression, that doesn’t mean they are depressed.  It is a part of life; life is a roller coaster of happy and not so happy emotions.  Life can be really hard at times, and so can depression.  How do we understand more about depression and what that means for us?  With October being Depression

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Dear Evan Hansen: Asking For Help

“Dear Evan Hansen” premiered Friday, the movie version of one of Broadway’s biggest hits in recent memory. This movie has a powerful and fundamental honesty that resonates with teens (and really anyone) suffering from things like anxiety and depression. Personally, I related to this movie on many levels. As a teen, I definitely experienced my share of anxiety from rejection, but depression was new as a 45-year-old adult. In the movie, Evan’s mom addresses how she fell short as a single parent. That’s the moment I felt like I lived in everyday. I couldn’t figure out how things did not

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